Using the modules browser

In order to use the modules browser, two settings must be set (as described in the configuration chapter): a temporary folder for storing the modules file and the modules categories file. After mastering this task, you can start using the browser. Click on the new tab called "Server" in WinCVS' tabbed view on the left side:

If the modules browser hasn't been used yet in this session, it checks out the modules file, ...

...parses it...

...and displays the result:

The modules browser features two different views: a tree view on the left side, which shows modules and their categories, and a list view on the right side that displays the contents of the selected item. This should be familiar to you if you ever used the Windows Explorer. NOTE: You don't see files or directories in the tree view.

You can always switch between the modules browser and the normal WinCVS view by choosing the "Server" or "Modules" tab on the bottom of the left windows, respectively.

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